Friday 1 February 2008

How To Book Your Vacation Home In The BVI The Best Way

Let me start out by saying that booking your BVI [British Virgin Islands] Vacation Home does not have to be a trial or error thing. You just have to know what you want, and then communicate it effectively. This is so important because it gives your host the peace of mind of knowing that they're meeting your needs.

So already, I have given you the best tool that I can think of. And it is a very good one. It is:

"Know what You Want and Communicate Your Wants Effectively."

So... how do you go about doing this? Okay Let's Go In Steps. I'll take you to step 1 now.

Step 1- Review the Vacation Home offers.

Now I'm not talking about skimming offers. I'm talking about knowing what is being offered and whether or not what is being offered is meeting your needs. If I'm traveling with a friend or my family of 4 can I be accommodated? Is there going to be transportation? A vehicle that I can use, maybe?

These are great questions to start with. If you can't answer them to your satisfaction at the start, then ask your host. A good host, usually has many ways to get in contact with them. Take advantage of this. You'll find that they'll be very happy to answer your questions for you.

Step2- Make the "Information Gathering/Booking" Call.

I have to tell you the truth. As the owner of a vacation home in the British Virgin Islands, I can tell you that we as hosts feel better when you call. Email just doesn't cut it. Because for us, it's not good enough to offer just any service, but the very best. And one-on-one communications achieve this.

So get to the phone and make the call. This is the time to make your host aware of your vacation home or rental needs. To make sure that you ask all the questions that you were intending to on the call, make a list. Feel free to ask any crazy questions. Keep your hosts on their toes! We hosts love a good challenge. But more importantly, we love to know that we are meeting your needs in a great way, so speak and ask away.

Step3- Making Your Reservation Deposit.

You should only follow through with this step after you've done the above two steps. Why? Because if you completed the above steps, you would have already confirmed with your host your vacation homes needs, and because of this your host would be able to make the necessary preparations to accommodate and provide for you on your vacation.

Think about this for a second. Imagine you're the host. And you're going to review your mail. Going through the deposits, and you come across someone that you've never heard about before.

What would you do then with the deposit?

Personally, I would send it back to the sender. In my eyes, it would be wrong of me to hold on to their deposit if I didn't know whether or not we would be able to meet their vacation rental needs. And other hosts would do the same. So follow the steps precisely.

Okay, we're coming to the end of this article, but I want to leave you with this final note, when sending deposits, make sure that you get a receipt mailed back to you. This is good for your records as well as host's. A receipt from your host always says, "I have confirmed our business relationship, and I'm looking forward to providing you with the services outlined that we have agreed to."

Gwendolee Thomas is the owner of Harvest Hill Vacation Homes, A Vacation Rental in Tortola that offers Exceptional vacationer-minded services and Beautiful Vacation Rental-Apartments. To find out more about Harvest Hill Vacation Homes and their exclusive BVI Vacation Home package, go to:

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